Monday, September 29, 2008

2nd assignment: Views on Abortion

1. What is your stance on abortion? Give three reasons why (this is your own thoughts). Explain clearly and use a lot of detail. -( 5 points)
I think abortion should be and stay legal. It's not like just because it becomes illegal women are going to stop doing it but it would be better if they would just take their responsibilities and not have an abortion.Although it would be better for their safety to have an abortion the safe way then unsanitary. I also think that even though its bad and I know I would never do it but its the women's choice to do what she wants with her body.

2. Copy/paste evidence that supports that supports your views. Make sure you use quotation marks (" ") because these are NOT your words. - 3 points
" This leads some people to claim is that it is unethical to ban abortion because doing so denies freedom of choice to women and forces 'the unwilling to bear the unwanted'."

3. Explain the quote you chose for number 2 in your own words. You can explain it in the following ways: relate it to something that happened in your life or someone Else's, explain why you agree with the statement, explain it to the reader with more detail in case the reader might not understand the quote, or give the reader a hypothetical situation in which the quote plays out. (Whichever why you decide to explain your quote, you should have at least 3 sentences to be thorough) - 6 points
Its a women's right for her to get an abortion, not being able to do it violates their freedom. It is their right to do what they want with their body. If they know that having a baby might not be the best thing for them its their choice on not to have it. In the law it states that a pregnant women more than three months can't have an abortion.I guess its good that the baby isn't fully developed. However abortion can be very traumatizing for the person that's having it...Its always their choice!