Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Tragedy of Love in Verona

"The Tragedy of Love in Verona"

Two lovers Romeo and Juliet committed suicide in the lovely city of Verona. It all started last week when they met in Tybalt's' Birthday bash at the Capulet's mansion. It was love at first sight! However Romeo was a Montague and Juliet a Capulet; they where meant to be enemies for life. They kept their relationship aside and made it a secret who only the Friar and Nurse knew about. A few days later after Juliet and Romeo got married Tybalt and Romeo had an argument. Tybalt(Juliet's cousin) ended up killing Romeo's best friend Mercutio. This enraged Romeo and caused him to kill Tybalt. Therefore Romeo was banned from Verona for life and was sentenced to be killed if they saw him. The Friar had came up with a plan fake Juliet's death so that her and Romeo could run away. However, the plan didn't quite get to Romeo; He really thought she was dead. When he went to go see for himself he killed himself next to her, when Juliet woke up she saw him and did the same thing he did.

Romeo was a 16 year old Montague. The heir of the Montague family. He was known to be a very quiet and sensitive. He never looked for problems and managed to stay out of them. His best friend was Mercutio and related to Benvolio. He was madly in love with Juliet. He did everything possible for them to be together but it all ended in a tragic way.

Statement from a Montague:

Romeo’s cousin Benvolio says- “I still can’t believe this has happened! Romeo was a good kid, my little cousin. Those Capulet’s started all of this, I should have protected him, maybe he still would of been a live."

Juliet was a 13 year old Capulet. She was young and naive. She never had any freedom. Paris wanted to marry her but she was not interested in marriage until she met Romeo. Her and Romeo had secretly got married. They decided to run away which caused her to fake her own death to not marry Paris.

Statement from a Capulet:
Juliet’s mom Lady Capulet says- “Why did this happen to my Juliet, My young beautiful daughter?! She did not deserve this! That Romeo just came into her life and messed it all up. She could have married Paris and had a great life.”

Consequences to this tragedy

After all of this has happened the prince of Verona has made many thoughtful punishments. He decided to put the Friar on trial for the deaths. The friar knew everything that was going on and did not say a word, instead he helped them out . The Nurse is also going on trial. She was Juliet’s guardian and let her do whatever she wanted even if it was bad. The households now have to deal with each other and settle their differences; They have to be good neighbors and help each other out in the community.If there are any more problems the prince will take them to further charges.

By ClawwDeeAhh(: