Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Mercy" Killing

1. Reflecting on Of Mice and Men
a. Explain George's perspective for what he did to Lennie.
b. Do you think that was the best thing to do for Lennie?

From George's perspective I think that he thought it was the best thing to do to Lennie. Lennie sometimes didn't know how to control himself and would forget everything. That would cause him to get into huge problems. Because of that they never had a stable place to work and live since they would always have to run away. I think that a lot of different thoughts where going in George's mind since Lennie was his traveling partner and Curley wanted to kill him and it wasn't easy for him to do what he did. He thought that it would be better to take Lennie's life away rather then for him to be suffering later on. In a way it wasn't good for George to kill Lennie but it was for the best.

2. a. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain the father's reasons for what he did.
b. Using a "quote" to support your response, explain if that was the best thing to do for the daughter.
c. Do you agree or disagree with what the father did? Why?

"Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish."
In other words, The father knew that his daughter chose death instead of being incapable of living a good life. I think that this really hurt the father cause its never a good thing to kill someone, but he didn't have another choice. His daughter chose to die.

"Patients do have a right to refuse treatment, but they are barred from giving advance directions on what treatment they wish to receive if they become unconscious."
Put another way, patients don't have to listen to doctors if they don't want to and they don't have to keep on doing something they don't want such as using treatments even if it causes death.His daughter was very ill and if she was just gonna keep on living by her being in the hospital for 17 years then it was the best thing to do. Why was she gonna be kept alive if she cant do anything else but sleep in bed.

I agree with what the father did. I know that if i was in his daughter position i would want my family to do the same thing. It may seem bad and cold to do such a thing, but the person was just living to suffer.

3. a. Imagine and list things that might have been going through the father's mind as he contemplated his "mercy" killing. (In the article, the father's suicide note gives specific evidence of why he did what he did. Elaborate on it.) Specifically, what could he have been negative or paranoid about?
b. Unfortunately, with America's failing economy, many professionals are losing their jobs. While many do not resort to something as extreme as the man in the article, it does cause stress within families. What are some ways that parents can support children (to succeed in life) that do NOT require money?

I think that the father had a lot of negative thoughts in his mind.

Some must of been:

  • "How where we going to live without a job?"
  • "How where we going to pay for bills and needs?"
  • "Where was my family going to live?"
  • "How am I going to take care of my wife and five children?"
I guess he thought that without a good job there was going to be no way of his family having a good life.

America now a days is going through a lot of bad situations specially with the economy a lot of workers are getting fired and families are being put in bankrupt. Many kids have more than they actually need. A child doesn't always have to be given what they want. Instead of teens and kids going to mall or shopping and just wasting money as they get it they can do other things like joining hobbies; parents can help them by not giving them as much money and instead spending time with them. Technology is the one thing that is on teenagers mind. You see every kid with a cell phone, camera, x -box, and other unimportant things.I don't think they really need these things, If a parent doesn't have enough money to be paying the bills for technology that kids could deal good without they shouldn't be spending it. If a parent wants their children to have a successful life then they should make sure to take their kids to school and get a good education. Also, to not be distracting them with things they don't need and putting positive things in their mind like having a good joyful life, caring for them, and loving them.

4. After reading Of Mice and Men and the two articles, what is your stance on euthanasia? Is "mercy" killing a legitimate way to ending someone's life? List any exceptions, if you have any. (This response should be 7-10 sentences). After posting this blog, comment on 3 other classmate's blogs. In your comments, you will explain why you agree or disagree with their response to #4.

My stance on euthanasia is that it is good for the right reasons. If someone is unable to have a good life and is just being kept alive by being hospitalized then "mercy" killing is a good thing only if the patient wants it. Though if a person just wants to go killing people for no good reason just because they think its the best for them to die then its not. "Mercy" killing can be helpful to some people but it shouldn't be the only way to "help" someone. There is other options too like going to therapy instead of killing. If all you do is "Mercy" killing then you would never know if the person they killed would actually had a better life a live later on in the future. It is only okay when its the only option they have.